is google an oligopoly: Oligopoly Understanding How Oligopolies Work in an Economy


TimesMojo collects the most frequently asked questions on various topics and provides them to its users. The website is updated with new questions every day, so it is always up-to-date. They can achieve the maximum consumer surplus and economic welfare. And it also showed an increased focus on the most important area of antitrust policy — mergers and acquisitions and whether regulators have exercised enough vigilance. Google and its allies will most likely criticize the suit as politically motivated. The Trump administration has attacked Google, which owns YouTube, and other online platform companies as being slanted against conservative views.


Google is a fine tool, but what defines the company is luck. Its profits come from a largely unearned strategic position within a socially-created communication medium. It is appealing the latest decision, and will make technical arguments, with varying degrees of merit, about why it is not a monopoly.

One analyst’s impassioned argument against breaking up Google

Google is willing to break even or lose money on these projects while it gains market share. Microsoft also continues to pour in billions of dollars in advertising to promote Bing. An oligopoly is when a few companies exert significant control over a given market. Together, these companies may control prices by colluding with each other, ultimately providing uncompetitive prices in the market.


This is a reason that legislators are worried about platforms buying out the competition. Facebook CEO Zuckerberg admitted in the hearing that he purchased social-networking company Instagram in 2012 as a way to head off a potential competitor. However, these utilities are heavily regulated by state public utility commissions. Rates are often controlled, along with any rate increases the company may pass onto consumers. Department of Justice filed a civil antitrust suit to block AT&T’s merger with Time Warner, arguing the acquisition would substantially lessen competition and lead to higher prices for television programming.

Imperfect oligopoly

Many purchases that individuals make at the retail degree are produced in markets which might be neither perfectly competitive, monopolies, nor monopolistically aggressive. If the oligopolist makes an attempt to broaden output and reduce worth barely, different companies additionally cut prices immediately—so if the agency expands output to eleven,000, the price per unit falls dramatically, to $300. In a data supply chain the closer the data to the customer the more we’re moving downstream. For instance, when Google produced its own physical devices. While it moved upstream the physical supply chain it moved downstream the data supply chain as it got closer to consumers using those devices, so it could gather data directly from the market, without intermediaries. Google’s main business is about data and how this is used to improve its products and enable its business model still primarily based on advertising .

products and services

Most oligopolies exist in industries where goods are relatively undifferentiated and broadly provide the same benefit to consumers. Firms see more economic benefits in collaborating on a specific price than in trying to compete with their competitors. By controlling prices, oligopolies are able to raise their barriers to entry.

What is oligopoly in economics?

By controlling prices, oligopolies are able to raise their barriers to entry and protect themselves from new potential entrants into the market. This is quite important, as new firms may offer much lower prices and thus jeopardize the longevity of the colluding firms’ profits. Consider a member firm in an oligopoly cartel that is supposed to provide a quantity of 10,000 and sell at a value of $500. The different members of the cartel can encourage this firm to honor its commitments by acting so that the firm faces a kinked demand curve. If the oligopolist makes an attempt to expand output and cut back value barely, other companies also minimize prices instantly—so if the firm expands output to 11,000, the worth per unit falls dramatically, to $300.

  • As the joint revenue-maximizing efforts achieve higher financial earnings for all participating entities, there turns into an incentive for an individual entity to “cheat” by expanding output to gain higher market share and revenue.
  • President Trump seems to have a one-track mind about oligopolies, ignoring the harm they do to consumers and to public governance.
  • TimesMojo collects the most frequently asked questions on various topics and provides them to its users.
  • By controlling prices, oligopolies are able to raise their barriers to entry and protect themselves from new potential entrants into the market.
  • For example, if an airline cuts ticket prices, other players typically follow suit.

Not to say that this by no means happens, but the larger gasoline are usually a result of higher demand or lower provide (due to deliberate cutbacks by OPEC, or a disaster in an oil-producing country). If oil prices are excessive for a substantial time period, then, regardless of limitations, new applied sciences will be developed and new opponents will enter the market. If prices are high, consumers may reply by decreasing demand (buying more hybrid or gas-environment friendly automobiles, turning to different sources of power, residing closer to work). Normally, both of the companies will use low-worth strategy on the similar time to maximize the market profits. Especially when summer time holidays arrive, each of the corporations will use cut-throat price competitors to extend their sales in order to extend their revenue.


In an oligopoly, a few dominant brands offer most of the products and services and make significant decisions on behalf of the rest. Instead, economists use game theory, a branch of arithmetic that analyzes conditions in which players must make decisions and then obtain payoffs based mostly on what different gamers resolve to do. If oligopolists collude with each other, they might successfully act like a monopoly and achieve pushing up costs and incomes consistently excessive ranges of revenue. Oligopolies are typically characterized by mutual interdependence the place various decisions similar to output, value, promoting, and so on, depend on the selections of the opposite firm. A recreation concept is a pricing policy and it helps a agency to reinforce revenue.

The concentration ratio measures the market share of the largest firms. But focusing on whether a company is a monopoly misses the point. Oligopolies, where a few big companies dominate the market, also tend to wield some degree of market power. In theory, that can allow powerful players to jack up consumer prices, underpay workers and squeeze suppliers. Oligopolies and monopolies can operate unencumbered in the United States unless they violate anti-trust laws. These laws cover unreasonable restraint of trade; plainly harmful acts such as price fixing, dividing markets and bid rigging; and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) that substantially lessen competition.

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Academic David Autor has linked the same consolidation to a decrease in labour’s share of the US economy. There is also evidence that a small group of “superstar” companies are pulling way ahead of others, not only in terms of profits but also productivity. A central repository for questions about economic theory, research, and policy. Please read the rules before posting, as we remove all comments which break the rules.

Google is a prime example of such power, as it controls almost 90 percent of all internet searches on the planet, while its Android operating system controls 85 percent of the world’s smartphones. The European Commission has also accused Google of violating antitrust laws in the online advertising space. Oligopolies in history include steel manufacturers, oil companies, railroads, tire manufacturing, grocery store chains, and wireless carriers. The economic and legal concern is that an oligopoly can block new entrants, slow innovation, and increase prices, all of which harm consumers. When one company sets a price, others will respond in fashion to keep their customers buying. For example, if an airline cuts ticket prices, other players typically follow suit.

is google an oligopoly policy can discourage or encourage oligopolistic behavior, and firms in mixed economies often seek government blessing for ways to limit competition. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance.

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In its blog post, Google argued that there was nothing wrong with its agreements with Apple, other handset manufacturers and carriers, comparing them to cereal brands paying for prominent placement on store shelves. It also said it was not difficult for consumers to switch default settings from Google to another search engine. Democratic lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee released a sprawling report on the tech giants two weeks ago, also accusing Google of controlling a monopoly over online search and the ads that come up when users enter a query. Google has long denied accusations of antitrust violations, and the company is expected to fight the government’s efforts by using its global network of lawyers, economists and lobbyists.

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